Pathways to Early Life Development Grant Round | Meeting #2

Partners will hear report outs from the conference calls with Executive Directors and choose five organizations to submit full applications.

The Pathways to Early Life Development Grant Round, co-led by Partners Alison Elliott and Clara Roa, will run from January to early May, and will look at interventions ranging from early childhood education to parent engagement to mental health for parents and young children. This fall, after landscape research, the leader team sent a Letter of Interest (LOI) to around 20 organizations working in these areas. A team of Partners reviewed the LOIs in December and selected 8-10 organizations to begin the actual Grant Round in January. All Partners are welcome to join in the Grant Round in any way that meets their interests: to join the research and initial vetting team, to audit one or more meetings of the Grant Round, or to participate in the full Grant Round (five meetings in total). Please email Jody Chang with any questions.

Lunch will be served at 11:15am. Program will start at 11:30am.


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