Pathways to Early Life Development: Join Us!

Building on last year’s successful Pathways to Opportunity Grant Round, SV2 will host a Grant Round this year focused on Pathways to Early Life Development (birth – 8 years). Our kick-off panel on November 27 will feature Deborah Stipek (Stanford Graduate School of Education), Fred Ferrer (Santa Clara County pilot program for Universal Access to Early Childhood Care, Education & Health Services), and Holly Kreider (Heising-Simons Foundation). This panel of experts — representing an academic researcher, practitioner, and funder — will share their insights into the key levers that are changing the lives of young children and will provide an important introduction to inform SV2’s $120k grant decision later this spring.

The Grant Round, co-led by Partners Alison Elliott and Clara Roa, will run from January to April, and will look at interventions ranging from early childhood education to parent engagement to mental health for parents and young children. This fall, we will send out a Letter of Interest to 20-30 organizations working in these areas. A team of Partners will review the LOIs and select 8-10 organizations to begin the actual Grant Round in January. All Partners are welcome to join in the Grant Round in any way that meets their interests: to join the research and initial vetting team, to attend the Kickoff Panel on November 27, to jump into the actual Grant Round starting in January, or all of the above! Please email Jody Chang at with any questions, to nominate an organization for consideration, or to join the team that will review LOIs in December.