The Art of Assessing Nonprofits: Deep Dive Workshop

The Art of Assessing Nonprofits, a new, interactive workshop for Partners taught by SV2 Executive Director Jen Ratay on Thurs. Feb. 2 from 10:00am – 2:00pm, will help demystify the craft of nonprofit due diligence. We’ll introduce workshop participants to an easy-to-use organizational assessment framework and key organizational health indicators that can be used both in SV2’s nonprofit due diligence process and in one’s own funding decisions.


What will you learn?

  • How to assess a grant applicant’s organizational health and capacity by analyzing its grant application materials. You’ll learn what can often be discovered about an organization’s effectiveness through public sources and written grant application materials, and what things sometimes benefit from further diligence
  • A framework for assessing nonprofit organizational effectiveness and key organizational health indicators
  • How to apply SV2’s Nonprofit Assessment Rubric
  • Ways to fine-tune your due diligence approach, taking into account variables such as grant size, funder-fundee candor and trust levels, appropriateness of various assessment depth levels, and ways you can creatively leverage other funders’ due diligence

What is expected of you?

  • Come prepared having read a brief case study of a (hypothetical) grant application, which will be shared via my.SV2 a couple days before the workshop
  • Bring your sense of humor, openness to improvisation and role-playing, willingness to share your own experience and expertise, and commitment to jointly creating a safe space for Partner-to-Partner learning
  • RSVP here