Past Events

Past Events

Monday, September 20, 2021

11:00 am-12:30 pm

New Partner Orientation

You’re a new Partner and we want to set you up for success! Join other new Partners at an orientation where we’ll talk about the ins and outs of SV2 – how our grantmaking and impact investing work, community norms and guidelines, answers to...

Sunday, September 19, 2021

7:30 pm-9:30 pm

SV2 Social Impact Book Club

The SV2 Book Club meets monthly to discuss the latest book on their reading list and explore social issues. During the September meeting, SV2 Partners will discuss Dog Whistle Politics by Ian Haney Lopez. All SV2 Partners are invited to participate....

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

11:30 am-1:30 pm

September Impact Investing Working Group

The SV2 Impact Investing Working Group discusses prospective impact investment opportunities, hears pitches from social entrepreneurs, and performs due diligence in order to make informed investment recommendations on behalf of SV2. The Working...

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

11:30 am-1:30 pm

Impact Investing Working Group

August Impact Investing Working Group – Virtual Event The SV2 Impact Investing Working Group discusses prospective impact investment opportunities, hears pitches from social entrepreneurs, and performs due diligence in order to make informed...

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

5:00 pm-6:00 pm

Farewell & Thank you to Lucinda Brommersma

Three years ago, Lucinda joined SV2 as a Partner, and soon thereafter joined the staff team in a newly created role: Director of Partner Engagement. As a giving community with a variety of engagement opportunities, SV2 had a need for a skillful...

Saturday, June 26, 2021

2:00 pm-4:00 pm

SV2 Partner Outdoor Social

Join us in the backyard of Jim’s San Francisco home to connect with SV2 Partners. Exact address to be shared following registration. As California opens up again, Partners are invited to join SV2 Board Vice Chair, Jim Basile, and SV2 CEO David...

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

12:00 pm-1:30 pm

Investing for Racial Equity: Wrap-Up Session

The Impact Investing Interest Circle meets to explore impact investing across asset classes beyond the direct investments the Impact Investing Working Group is typically focused on. We have finished a four part series on Investing for Racial Equity,...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

1:00 pm-3:30 pm

SV2 Grantee / Community Partner Updates and Funding Renewals

SV2 Partners: Come learn about our community’s successes, opportunities, and impact! This meeting is open to all SV2 Partners to listen only, and is led by SV2’s Grantmaking and Impact Investment Review Committee. Come learn about our...