We are thrilled to welcome Daisy Manapsal to the SV2 staff team and community! Daisy joined the staff team in mid-February as SV2’s new Operations Associate, and she has hit the ground running. Many of you will already have seen Daisy at a Zoom meeting or received a thank you email from her for your SV2 partnership contribution. She has been busy learning SV2’s systems and participating in programming events to see our work in action.
In her role, Daisy will oversee a myriad of operational systems and details, including interfacing with SV2’s bookkeeping and HR firm, processing Partner contributions, supporting program event logistics, and overseeing SV2’s data tracking and dashboards. She will also oversee our website and eNews communications. If you have a question about an operational detail or just want to say hello, she can be reached at dmanapsal@sv2.org.
Daisy brings a deep background in nonprofit work and a passion for improving operational systems that enable social impact. She started her nonprofit career as a Residential Counselor for youth in foster care. She continued to serve children and youth in the dependency system at Child Advocates of Silicon Valley, both as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer and as a staff member. As the Director of Learning at Child Advocates, she oversaw recruitment, pre-service training, and continuing education for CASA volunteers.
In her free time, Daisy enjoys traveling, learning photography, and spending time with friends and family. Daisy holds a B.S. in Biology from University of California, Irvine and a Masters in Public Health from Drexel University.