Category: News



Hit Replay: Pathways to Opportunity Kickoff Recordings

Our Pathways to Opportunity Kickoff Session, the first of a three-part series, explored several key levers in creating greater pathways to opportunity, including education and workforce development. Partner co-Leaders Alison Elliott and...



Resilient Youth Lightning Grant Round Kicks off in February

We are proud to announce that SV2’s newest  Lightning Grant Round will be focused on increasing opportunities for Resilient Youth (previously called At-Risk Youth), an issue in which Partners expressed interest in our recent all-Partner...



SV2 Teens is Back – Apply Today!

The SV2 Teens Philanthropy program, now going into its tenth year, engages 7th-12th grade children of SV2 Partners in hands-on learning about philanthropy, the nonprofit sector, and local community organizations. SV2 Teens got some...



Preview of 2017-18 Program Year

We are excited about our lineup of experiential grantmaking, impact investing, and learning sessions! Whether you are a brand new Partner, veteran philanthropist, a busy professional, or all of the above, we hope you feel inspired...



A Fond Farewell & Celebration of Jen Ratay

In July, Jen Ratay, our beloved Executive Director of nearly 5 years, shared the bittersweet news that she will be stepping down on September 12. Happily, she and her family will be continuing on at SV2 as Partners. On behalf of the Board...



SV2 Response to Charlottesville and Beyond

Dear SV2 community, Like you, the SV2 Board, Partners, staff and Grantees have been deeply disturbed and saddened by the horrific display of violence and hatred in Charlottesville, Virginia in August. We have also watched as similar...



SV2’s Leadership Transition

Message from Jen Ratay, SV2 Executive Director Dear SV2 friends and colleagues, It is with gratitude, optimism, and sadness that I share that I will be stepping down as executive director of SV2 on September 12th. Serving at the helm...



Impact Investee Highlight: OpenInvest

We’re thrilled to introduce OpenInvest, our latest Impact Investee. OpenInvest received a one-time $50,000 investment and will have the opportunity to work with Lead Partners to explore additional ways of collaborating with the SV2...



SV2 Presents: Pathways to Opportunity

In response to feedback from Partners and building on last year’s learning and grantmaking, we are pleased to announce a combined Learning Year and Grant Round: “Pathways to Opportunity.” This fall will kick off with three learning...



Meet our Newest Grantee: CollegeSpring

We’re pleased to share that CollegeSpring is the winner of this year’s Education Lightning Grant Round, which was led by Jim Basile and Aarti Chandna. College Spring will receive a one-time $30,000 grant and opportunities to leverage...