Category: News



How Getting Proximate Helps Combat Unconscious Bias

By Paru Desai, SV2 Get Proximate Co-Lead, SV2 Partner This article is the fifth in a series about the principles and practice of getting proximate: Article 1: Overview: Confronting Truths, Changing Narratives, and Impacting...



The Importance of Empathy 

By Kelly Pope, SV2 Get Proximate Co-Lead, SV2 Partner This article is the fourth in a series about the principles and practice of getting proximate: Article 1: Overview: Confronting Truths, Changing Narratives, and Impacting...



A New Year of Social Impact

Happy New Year to all of our SV2 Partners and friends! As we begin a new year, full of optimism and hope but ever-aware of the challenges ahead, we hope you will continue to join us to create positive change in the communities around...



Environment Lightning Grant Round (LGR)

Environment issues are now at the forefront of challenges facing the world, with many implications for the Bay Area and our local communities. Regardless of your particular issue interest area, climate will affect it. It’s all...



The Power of Asset-based Language

By Paru Desai, SV2 Get Proximate Co-Lead, SV2 Partner This article is the third in a series about the principles and practice of getting proximate: Article 1: Overview: Confronting Truths, Changing Narratives, and Impacting...



SV2 Announces David Onek as New CEO

The Board of Directors is delighted  to announce the appointment of David Onek as SV2’s new Chief Executive Officer. David brings almost three decades of non-profit, government and private sector experience to the job plus a deep...