Category: News



Calling All Teen Changemakers: SV2 Teens Coming in January

SV2 Teens will start in mid January 2019 for the teenage children (grades 7 — 12) of SV2 Partners. That may seem far away, but it will be here before we know it! For all interested parties we’re hosting an SV2 Teens Info Session on...



Fall Gathering 2018!

The theme of our Fall Gathering 2018 was “Building Connections. Bridging Communities.” We were delighted to have a vibrant group of  Partners, Grantees, Impact Investees, SV2 staff, and other community members and guests  join us...



Affordable Housing Forum

Join us on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 6:00PM for an SV2 hosted Affordable Housing Forum at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mountain View location. We will be joined by Leslye Corsiglia, the Executive Director of SV@Home, and...



Introducing SV2 Community Events

We have heard time and again that one of the most valuable benefits of becoming an SV2 Partner is the opportunity to gather with like-minded, strategic givers who share a passion for experiential learning. In response to this interest, we...



Announcing Giving Journey Workshop with Open Impact

As a community of givers and changemakers, we are constantly challenging ourselves to learn and grow. This fall, SV2 is pleased to meet the growing demand for learning programs and skills-based workshops by offering a special workshop:...



Looking Forward – Preview of Programming Year 2018-19

We are excited to share our lineup of experiential grantmaking, impact investing, and hands-on learning sessions! Whether you are a new Partner, seasoned philanthropist, a working professional, or all of the above, we hope you feel...