Category: News



Board Members: Thank You & Welcome

It is with deep appreciation that we celebrate the impact of two outgoing SV2 Board members: Shalyn Eason and Linda Lazor.  Both will continue as active, engaged Partners next year.  Shalyn Eason has served on the SV2 Board for the...



2019-2020 Year in Review

Amidst rapidly changing circumstances, SV2 is grateful for our community of Partners, Grantees, Impact Investees, and Colleagues who are allies in our work.  The multiple challenges facing our region and world required a rapid response...



SV2 Organizational Transitions

With every immense challenge comes immense opportunity. Although our country and our region face major upheaval on multiple fronts—from public health to the economy to racial injustice—SV2 sees this as an opportunity to rethink and...



Farewell and Thank you to Lisa and Mariam

As SV2 staff members Lisa Van Dusen and Mariam Nur are both moving on to new adventures this month, please join us in celebrating their many accomplishments and thanking them for their service to SV2’s mission. After nearly two years...



2020 Partner Survey Results

The 2020 Partner Survey Results are in! This survey is one way of understanding SV2’s impact on Partners and how we can continue to achieve our mission, learn, make positive social impact and cultivate community. Everyone can read...



In Solidarity

We have been angered and grieved by the events of the past days and weeks -- which for many in our communities represent injustice and violence that have been felt for a lifetime. We stand in solidarity and condemn the deaths of George...



Partner Leader Call

Did you know that at any one time roughly one-quarter of the SV2 Partnership puts their hands up to serve as active volunteer leaders? Check out this year’s impressive leadership cohort here and let us know if you are interested in a...



Welcome, SV2 Teens 2020 Grantees

This year, SV2 Teens decided to learn more about criminal justice reform. We went on site-visits, learned more about and allocated a $20,000 grant across three organizations: Defy Ventures (shifts mindsets to give people with criminal...